What a Trump presidency would mean for justice | Curio
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What a Trump presidency would mean for justice

In The Atlantic’s January/February 2024 issue, their writers imagine what a second Trump term would look like. Image credit: Matt Huynh.

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By The Atlantic

In their January/ February 2024 issue - "If Trump Wins" - the staff of The Atlantic wrote about the threat a second term poses to American democracy. In this episode, we hear from Franklin Foer, Ron Brownstein, Barton Gellman, Adam Serwer, and Juliette Kayyem on what a Trump presidency would mean for justice. In 'Corruption Unbound', Franklin Foer writes that Donald Trump and his cronies left his first administration with a playbook for corrupt self-enrichment that they could quickly deploy in a second term. Ronald Brownstein argues that Donald Trump would wage war against blue America, punishing the cities and states that don't support him. His agenda could pose the greatest threat to the nation's cohesion since the Civil War. If re-elected, Donald Trump would use the presidency's powers to evade justice and punish his enemies, Barton Gellman writes in 'How Trump Gets Away With It'. In 'A M.A.G.A. Judiciary', Adam Serwer reports that the conservative legal movement has been remade in Donald Trump's vulgar, authoritarian image. In a second term, Trump would appoint even more judges who don't care about the law. And finally, in 'The Proud Boys Love a Winner', Juliette Kayyem writes that a second Trump term would validate the violent ideologies of far-right extremists—and allow them to escape legal jeopardy.

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