What a Trump presidency would mean for civil rights | Curio
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What a Trump presidency would mean for civil rights

In The Atlantic’s January/February 2024 issue, their writers imagine what a second Trump term would look like. Image credit: Matt Huynh.

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By The Atlantic

In their January/ February 2024 issue - If Trump Wins - the staff of The Atlantic write about the threat a second term poses to American democracy. In this episode, we hear from Vann R. Newkirk II, Sophie Gilbert, Elaine Godfrey, and Spencer Kornhaber on what a Trump presidency would mean for civil rights. First, Vann R. Newkirk II writes that Donald Trump could unwind generations of civil-rights progress by dismantling an important theory in civil-rights law. Donald Trump’s reelection would usher in four more years of unchecked misogyny and make women targets once again, reports Sophie Gilbert. Elaine Godfrey writes that anti-abortion activists hope that Donald Trump, if reelected, could end legal abortion in America. They have a plan to do so with or without a federal ban. And finally, Spencer Kornhaber believes that after decades of gains in public acceptance for the LGBTQ community, Donald Trump’s campaign is promising a more repressive and dangerous America. Trump doesn’t just want to surveil, miseducate, and repress children exploring their identities—he wants to interfere in the private lives of millions of adults.

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